Schlaun | Nordkirchen | Germany

What we had | Pot of coffee | Glas of Rooibus Tea | Raspberry Cake | Mocca Cake Atmosphere | Two story building, packed with old stuff like books, dolls, porcelain figures and countless other things. Makes you feel like being at your granny´s. Service | They struggle a bit with the service when there…

Chicken | Sandwich

When it is hot outside sandwiches are great for lunch. Even though I must admit the summer in Germany this year is not worth mentioning.  CHICKEN | SANDWICH 4 slices sandwich toast | 1 chicken breast | 2 eggs | bunch of rucola or other greens | 1 tomato | 1 onion | 2 slices…

Tea | Time | Cookies

The only time in the year when I make cookies is christmas. And honestly when you look for cookie recipes what you get is christmas cookie recipes but you do not want to make christmas cookies the whole year! Now I found the perfect teatime cookie recipe! TEA | TIME | COOKIES 150g ground almonds |…

Chillis | Garlic | Beef

These are the three main ingredients my husband loves the most. When we have this for dinner he does not get tired of thanking that one Asian cook who came up with this genius recipe. CHILLIES | GARLIC | BEEF 200g beef | 200g medium hot chillies | 8 cloves of garlic | 2 tablespoons…

Steamed | Chicken

What part of the chicken do you like best? Drumsticks? Breast? Wings? Me, I favor drumsticks. But the best is when you’ve got a huge pot with all the different parts to choose from. STEAMED | CHICKEN 1 chicken cut into pieces | 3 potatoes | 2 onions | 1 carot | 2 red chillies…

Korean | Fried | Chicken

You always thought KFC means Kentucky Fried Chicken?! Well, it does, but fried chicken is a very popular dish in Korea as well. They love it as a sidedish to a cool beer and there are so many varieties. When we went to Korea last year I discovered this new and absolutely gorgeous one. K |…

Creamy | Aioli 

According to the New York Times the country that consumes the most garlic is either Italy, Korea or Japan. I bet Korea is #1. Garlic does not only add interesting flavor to your dishes, it also provides a wealth of health-promoting benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and lowering cholesterol levels. CREAMY…

Bodega | Regensburg | Germany

What we had | Bottle of water | Lots and lots of tapas Atmosphere | Dark but cozy atmosphere in an old stone building. Feels like being in Spain. Service | Actually I do not remember but I do not recall any negative impressions. Taste | Best tapas I had in Germany so far. Tip…

Cinamon | Rolls

I love cinamon! It is such a great spice. You can use it for sweets, meat, drinks and many others. CINAMON | ROLLS 260ml milk at room temperature | 75g icing sugar | 20g yeast | 90g butter | 1 egg | 500g flour 550 50g butter | 100g brown sugar | 1 1/2 teaspoons…

Fruity | Shrimp | Salad

For lunch I often eat some salad since salads are fast and easy to make and healthy as well. FRUITY | SHRIMP | SALAD 15 shrimps | 1 mango | 1 avocado | 1/4 spring onion | 1 teaspoon juice of a lemon | juice of 1/2 a orange | 1 tablespoon olive oil | salt…

Pulled | Pork

I do not know when it started but when you look around these days there are burger restaurants everywhere. The newest addition in all the burger restaurants on the menu is pulled pork. Honestly, I have not ordered a pulled pork burger yet since when I am at a burger restaurant I want an ordinary classic cheese…

Spicy | Tomato | Salsa

Normally chips are abandoned from our home except when we expect guests. However, some time ago I bought tortilla chips in order to try a recipe which I never managed to. But I did not want to let them get bad so we dipped them in some salsa as a side dish to Tortilla. SPICY…