Korean | Fried | Chicken

You always thought KFC means Kentucky Fried Chicken?! Well, it does, but fried chicken is a very popular dish in Korea as well. They love it as a sidedish to a cool beer and there are so many varieties. When we went to Korea last year I discovered this new and absolutely gorgeous one. K |…

Chilies | With | Miso

Koreans always have a lot of side dishes to their meals. When you eat Korean food every day it is easy to manage a great variety of side dishes. For me it is not but I try to make at least one or two quick and easy once. CHILIES | WITH | MISO 150g medium hot…

German | Spätzle | Noodles

Always used to buy packed up Spätzle in the supermarket but home made is so much better along with gulash and co. After you made them yourself once you will never ever want to buy packed up Spätzle anymore. In the recipe I refer to all ingredients on the basis of one egg. So depending…

Beans | Meet | Garlic

Are you also tired of beans rolled in bacon? It is a typical sidedish to meat in Germany. Meat with meat and some veggies to keep the illusion it is healthy. Most of the time it is cooked so long that the beans are turning grey. If the restaurants at least would not kill the…