Strawberry | Ice | Cream

Have you ever asked yourself whether you really need all those kitchen aids that seemed to be the best invention ever when you discovered them on home shopping channel but soon were forgotten and out of your mind? I honestly do have only one kitchen tool which is my multiquick hand blender. I can cook anything…

Whiskey | Chocolate | Gugelhupf

My husband loves this one. He does not drink whiskey but enjoys the taste in this gorgeous Gugelhupf. WHISKEY | CHOCOLATE | CAKE 200g sugar | 100g chocolate sprinkles |  250g flour | 5 eggs | 1 package baking powder | 1 package vanilla sugar | 2 tablespoons cocoa | 1 teaspoon cinamon | 200ml…

Yoghurt | Goes | Nuts

It would be rude not to try every dish, and it all tastes so good! After all the holiday food, chips and sweets I need some serious detoxing. My first breakfast in 2016. YOGHURT | GOES | NUTS 1/4 mango | mango & papaya yoghurt | sun flower seeds | goji berries | chia seeds…

The | Chocolate | Tarte

So, we decided our last good act for 2015 to be to let our guests decide what to have for their last supper in 2015. New year’s à la carte! Even though it is not the typical new year’s eve dinner menu we are having chilli con carne, with chillis(!) and my, for now, favorite…